Canadians are in crisis. Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives want to take us backwards.
Pierre is not who he says he is
Just like Donald Trump, Pierre Poilievre is pushing an agenda that would gut essential social services, cut climate policies, and let big corporations run loose while scapegoating vulnerable communities.
Backed by billionaires and corporations, he’s using catchy slogans and spending millions of dollars to mislead Canadians. He even has an endorsement from Trump’s right-hand man and the richest person on Earth, Elon Musk.
Pierre is a career politician who has never held a job outside of politics. He’s been in office for 20 years but he has no track record of making Canadians’ lives better. In fact, he helped create many of the problems we’re facing now.
It’s clear that Pierre isn’t looking out for Canadians. Once in power, he’ll do everything he can to keep his elite buddies rich, powerful, and happy.
With an election coming up on April 28th, Pierre’s trying to play us, but we won’t let him. We’re here to help you see through Pierre’s lies and make sure your friends don’t get played either.
The Real Pierre
Life too expensive? Count on Pierre to make things worse.
Pierre voted against $10 a day childcare, free public transit for seniors, and the national school food program. He has pledged to scrap pharmacare as soon as he has the chance. He voted against making CEOs and rich landlords pay their fair share in taxes, and he plans to slash public services that Canadians rely on.
Pierre Poilievre is on the same team as Donald Trump
Pierre won’t stand up to Trump. He’s on the same team. His ideas to deal with U.S. aggression are cutting corporate taxes, criminalizing vulnerable communities, and resurrecting toxic pipelines. Sound familiar? He’s trying to distance himself from Trump but they both serve the same agenda: make the rich richer.
Want more affordable housing? Pierre sure doesn’t.
Pierre has voted against affordable housing measures since 2006. Some of his top donors are real estate developers. He plans to scrap existing government funds that could build millions of homes for low and middle income Canadians.
Elon Musk wants Pierre to win.
Musk helped get Trump elected and has been throwing his support behind far-right politicians across the globe. He endorsed Poilievre because he knows the Conservatives will help mega-corporations and billionaires get even richer. Now, Musk and Trump are threatening Canada’s sovereignty decimating the U.S. public service. Would you really want Musk’s pick as PM?
Pierre doesn’t have a plan for the climate crisis
It’s 2025. Extreme weather and climate impacts are already hurting, costing, and killing people across Canada, and it’s only going to get worse. Pierre and his friends in the Conservative party are fully in the hands of Big Oil and have fought against every single climate policy put forward in Parliament.
Care about your rights? Pierre sure doesn’t.
Poilievre has spent decades attacking the rights of women, immigrants, queer & trans people, and workers. He’s cozy with alt-right fringe groups like Diagolon and influencers like Jordan Peterson, He consistently votes to undercut unions and weaken labour protections. He wants to pit us against each other so his corporate buddies can profit at our expense.
Care about healthcare and pharmacare? Not Pierre.
Universal healthcare is a core value for Canadians – people shouldn’t have to go into massive medical debt like in the US. Pierre Poilievre refuses to stand against the expansion of private healthcare. Pharmacare provides life-saving medication to millions, but Pierre voted against it and has said that he would scrap the program if elected. Do you trust this guy to know what’s best for your health?
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