We get it. Things are broken, life feels impossible, and Pierre Poilievre says he can fix everything. But we know a Conservative government would only make things worse.
Pierre is not who he says he is
We’re here to help you see through Poilievre’s lies and give you the resources to make sure your friends don’t get played either.
Despite his snazzy videos and new haircut, Pierre is not a friend to young people, working class people, or the climate. He doesn’t care about you or your community – he only cares about getting elected and keeping his corporate buddies happy. Here’s how we know:
He’s an elite disguised in jeans and a t-shirt
Pierre likes to blame Canada’s political and economic elites for the crisis we’re in, and we agree that they got us into this mess. The problem? He’s one of them too. The other problem? Once in power, he’ll do everything he can to keep his elite buddies rich, powerful, and happy.
He’s promising change but he is the establishment
As much as he tries to brand himself as the anti-establishment choice, Pierre is a career politician who has been in office for two decades. He helped create the problems we’re facing now. We do need change – but Pierre isn’t it.
His policies would make things worse for working people
Pierre wants to cut social programs and let big corporations run loose. It’s been clear for decades that Conservative free market ideology and ruthless austerity just hurts ordinary people and makes the rich even richer. He doesn’t care about the struggles of the working class. He’s just playing people for votes. We can’t let him get away with it.
He doesn’t have a plan for the climate crisis
It’s 2024. Extreme weather and climate impacts are already hurting, costing, and killing people across Canada, and it’s only going to get worse. But Pierre has still not released a climate plan and we’re not sure if he even believes the crisis is real. Some of his supporters sure don’t. We can’t afford a Prime Minister who will just deny and delay, and who cares more about scoring political points and keeping Big Oil happy than about securing a safe future for our children.
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